A Web Site Design Company's Role
A web page designer builds custom or template websites, and/or web portal applications for their clients that come from Portland, Oregon to the rest of the world. A typical e-commerce website customer ranges from small business to Fortune 500 companies. It is best to review a designers web site portfolio to select the best designer for your company. They work with web design and graphic design software including Adobe Photoshop, FrontPage, FireWorks, DreamWeaver, and Adobe GoLive.
Web Designers also work with software development technologies including languages like ASP, PHP, Shockwave, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), XHTML, DHTML, XML, C++, Perl, and .NET. A Website Design Firm also can create intranet solutions for businesses that may include database or shopping cart solutions that use Mysql, Postgres, Oracle, Informix, and DB2. A creative Website Design Company often times uses multimedia software such as Macromedia Director, Adobe After Effects, and Adobe Premiere.
There are many talented independent freelancers and website designers out there. Another group of people that work on the web are SEO consultants. They help you clean up poorly written websites and show you ways of making your content more usable. Many web design services offer a free initial consultation, web site hosting and website templates.
by Daniel Baldwin Some content ideas come from marketingtool.com