Fast to start and stop multiple timers.
Keep up to six clients or projects handy for quickly starting and stopping billable time such as when a client calls or you need to step away from your computer for a little bit.
TrueTimer was built for someone who works with multiple clients that needs to keep track of billable hours for. You can quickly fill in a clients name and start a timer for them even if you haven't had the time to record their time into your invoice software.
It is best to keep the window on a second monitor so you can make sure the timer is running after you begin working on a project or that it is paused when you get a call or someone walks in your office. You can even take simple notes if you forget to start or stop the timer next to their name. The text labels are just fields so you can quickly change it just by clicking and typing. Great for reusing slots as needed.
System Requirements: MacOS 10.13 and later
Get TrueTimer $20
Tired of web based time trackers?
There are several other "software as a service" trackings out there that to use, you need to open the site in your browser, maybe login, select the client and maybe a project from a drop down menu, enter a task name, and then start the timer. Their desktop or menu bar timers are still multiple clicks and typing in info to simply get a timer going. I found them super frustrating to use. When I get a client call, being able to just click one button while I'm talking to them and not worry about it until I'm done with the call is such a breath of fresh air. I can change the label when I get a minute if needed. Then easily record the time into my invoicing software at the end of the day. If you want, you can easily just add a date next to their name or add or sub-track a few missed minutes as needed.